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Comment count is 6
Lauritz Melchior - 2009-05-14


The full thing, which I only later discovered *was* watchable outside of the UK.

chumbucket - 2009-05-14

it's hard not to assume the left digits act like pinkys or thumbs but they appear to act pretty well as normal (almost index) fingers. That must help her a lot.

fatatty - 2009-05-14

Well thanks for making me feel even worse for sucking at piano. At least I know I'm better at kicking stuff than her.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-05-15

Seriously, I have 150% more fingers than her and I don't play the part at 0:25 half as clean.

revdrew - 2009-05-14

She walks like a Muppet, but she plays piano like an angel!

fluffy - 2009-05-15

Left claw North, right claw South

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