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Brilliant. I wish he worked more often these days. This is the first thing I've seen from him since that Horrors video.
that chick just totally blew her stack
WARNING: Due to manufacturing conditions, Flora may contain measurable amounts of LSD-25.
holy shit good to have you back, chris....
Amazing commercial... I didn't like the lifeless/monotone narration at the end, but the commercial itself is 6 stars, -1 for that ender.
Now I have to go find my old Messiah CDs.
then you are the kind of man Cunningham wants you to be
this guy needs to mAKE A FUCKIN MOVIE ALREADY
This is about as close as he's gotten so far: I hope you're sitting down... and not eating.
It was planned for him to direct the 2000 film version of Neuromancer.
That girl looks like she'd smell pretty.
needs 'nostrils' tag also, why is the voice-over girl too cool for her job?