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Desc:Hilarios ice cream man delivers Jackie Chan into hands of bad guys, gets punched in face
Category:Humor, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:Jackie Chan, ice cream, doesnt want ice cream, ICE CRAAAAAAME
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Comment count is 9
robotkarateman - 2009-04-13

Ice crame. Hilarios.

Rudy - 2009-04-14

A Warwilf? Faacinahting.

ProfessorChaos - 2009-04-13

Clip is longer then i think poster intended, but the longer stuff is a Jackie Chan fight scene. So, that's fun - It's like 2 clips for the price of one.

Aelric - 2009-04-14

Here is a question for the engineers: Can you really moon jump with a big promotional balloon like that, and will you do it and film yourself, please?

Ranma X. - 2009-04-14

The bigger question is why is there a giant red gorilla balloon at an outdoor wedding?

The answer of course is that Mr. Nice Guy is an awesome movie.

Aoi - 2009-04-14

That, and it's a Biker wedding.

The string quartet was booked solid.

Aoi - 2009-04-14

In fact, watching the movie as I am right now, they've managed to strip pretty much every appearance of the multiple leather-clad grooms and their hogs and the gang colors-wearing preacher from this edited video. Since I can think of no LOGICAL reason for them to do this, as it only makes the scene more hilariously HK-nonsensical, I am forced to believe there are more sinister motives behind their doing so.

ProfessorChaos - 2009-04-14


Spit Spingola - 2009-04-14

He can sell out Jackie Chan but he can't sell some ice cream to save his life.

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