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That sure is a busy main drag.
Boobs protesting boobs?
Even a a catholic priest thinks the statue is inappropriate. Gee, that's weird.
Agreed. It looks like Jason Segel.
Down with this sort of thing!
I was really hoping for an awkward joke by the anchorman.
Well, personally, I think "busy main drag" was the joke. But it certainly does not fall into the awkward anchorman joke category.
This makes me think of that one number from Hunchback of Notre Dame...'cept the gypsy is a pirate and the priest is a priest.
She could walk my plank any day. BTW, would the priest be happy if it was a cabin boy statue?
Idleness sure does lead to some funny antics. "What should we do today?" "Dunno... no baptisms, no confessions, not even an exorcism.... hmmmm, let's go raise a hullabaloo about the pirate statue."
I thought Catholic Priests had to be clean shaven?
"I think it's art!" I'm guessing Randy Smith's art collection that adorns his home in Girardville includes the following: Elvis on black velvet Dogs Playing Poker - CM Coolidge Minature ceramic frog band any various Boris Vallejo posters from the 80's
Hell yes.
Yes, hell yes.
Miniature ceramic frog bands are art, don't even let me catch you saying otherwise.
"I didn't curse it. In fact I did quite the opposite. I prayed for it..." Yeah, um, not really that different, bub.