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Comment count is 12
Man Who Fights Like Woman - 2009-04-01

I bet these people always chuckle at how witty they are when they bring up sheep or say "Don't drink the Kool-Aid!"

charmlessman - 2009-04-01

Man, I was on board until they rhymed slammer with Obama.

fatatty - 2009-04-01

That's slamma white boy.

IrishWhiskey - 2009-04-01

IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT if he's the President. Then Impeachment doesn't apply. So we should do something else. Like maybe a civil suit.... YEAH!!!

That chart at 1:13 that outlines the conspiracy to manipulate the US into war, you know, the one that follows the picture of Obama at AIPAC? It seems to be in a somewhat familiar shape. What's it called, the Star of Dennis?

Dinanukht - 2009-04-01

Every rap song should sample Rahm Emanuel and Henry Kissinger. Period.

Corman's Inferno - 2009-04-01

The Federal Reserve is laughing because they've pulled the greatest April Fools' prank in the history of New York.

GlennFinito - 2009-04-01

I made it to 1:40..then I had to mute it.

James Woods - 2009-04-01

It's scary to know people believe this shit. You guys have had a shooting every weekend for the last two months it seems.

DMKA - 2009-04-01

I love how everyone wants to impeach every president who brings forth policies they don't particularly fancy.

It seems like ever since the Bill Clinton thing people think that's perfectly normal behavior.

Stopheles - 2009-04-02

That was the point of the Clinton impeachment, or at least a very fortuitous (for the right-wing) side-effect. By raising an impeachment hearing against Clinton for sexual piccadilloes, they demeaned the process to the point where the process no longer means as much as it did when Nixon was impeached.

As a result, serious calls for the impeachment of Bush and/or Cheney (for explicit violation of the Constitution) were seen and presented in the media as tit-for-tat revenge for Clinton's impeachment (which was itself tit-for-tat revenge for Nixon's impeachment, and Reagan/Bush's Iran-Contra hearings), etc etc etc.

zatojones - 2009-04-02


FineFilter - 2009-04-02

Dude's got a bit of a lisp.

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