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Comment count is 6
anvill - 2009-03-29

The glasses are there to protect the camera in the event of eyeball explosion.

splatterbabble - 2009-03-29

A TENS Unit synced to music an making your face spazz to the beat. It's like musical Tourette's!

Lauritz Melchior - 2009-03-29

Why can't that steady drumroll undercurrent be connected to their tongues?

fluffy - 2009-03-30

Dude on the upper-right trying hard not to lose it

everyone else clearly reeling in pain or at least strong discomfort

Comeuppance - 2009-03-30

Those high-pitched tones gave me a headache in the first 20 seconds.

I want to one-star it for that, but the concept is solid.


Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2009-03-30

Good concept and well executed, that music is not my cup of tea though

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