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*sigh* up the 8 minute version in the hopper please (tried to replace via update dead link). I put the 4 minute one in by mistake.
The Wizard, Dear Reader of video games.
He basically told you everything about Shenmue's story in the last 10 seconds. You spend the whole game looking for a Chinese guy, turns out you have to go to China to find him.
Well, shit, I could've told him that.
Can't get a second lunch. So you spend all day with a grumblin' belly.
Maybe that's what they mean by feeding the fishes - just kickin' people's lunches into the ocean.
You tell me where Lan Di is, or I'll break every bone in this restaurant!
I used to play SOCOM 2 online, and without fail most of my teammates would talk like this guy.
I need extra stars for this.
Ryu hates Chinese people
Tomato Mart