mashedtater - 2009-03-11
on the title screen he looks dead behind the eyes.
he looks even less alive moving, like a corpse being electro shocked gently.
GoodAaron - 2009-03-11 I also know Silk Spectre, apparently.
Baldr - 2009-03-11
I hope the Veidt method isn't a type of method acting.
Stopheles - 2009-03-11
Mispronunciation of Veidt's last name.
An Ozymandias who's more zombielike than the CGI Dr. Manhattan from the theatrical version.
A Rorschach who sounds like Jim Ross.
chumbucket - 2009-03-11
at least Ozy "Vet"'s costume hides his man-boobs well
Rorshach: ACTING!
Camonk - 2009-03-11
I guess if they spent the and the seven minutes to film this, they might as well put it up somewhere.
Twitch - 2009-03-11
Cool, I just saved .95!
baleen - 2009-03-11
God I love fan films.
They are usually so full of this ridiculous nerdy exposition that you can tell came right off of the guy's GURPS character sheet.
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-03-11
Rorshach as portrayed by Wilford Brimley.
allcaps - 2009-03-11
II did miss the Rorschach-Veidt exchange in the movie. It's a damn essential part where Veidt is made to look effete and a little bit ineffectual, his achievements limited to toys, perfume, and mundane electrical devices. Instead of a sinister mad genius given to grandiose speeches about how awesome, rich and brilliant he is. "I'll save the world, gentlemen, from you! From all of you! Muahahaha!"
Fucking useless ending to that film. Five stars for purity!
Pie Boy - 2009-08-24
Is there anyone who can do Rorschach's voice right? Are we just stuck with either a boorish southerner or a Christian Bale Batman clone?
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