Spastic Avenger - 2009-03-15
That noise!
Does this class as Extreme Sketching?
baleen - 2009-03-15
I once took a week long trek through Taz, and it's one of the weirdest places you can possibly imagine.
- It's the center of medical narcotics production in Australia. Fields of blue poppies. Yeah. Think about that.
- Land leeches sucking blood out of your ass because you sat down on the land.
- A man stalked me and my sister over a 50 miles hike and, when he realized we didn't like him, placed a cowrie in front of her tent and a dingo skull. Which was very weird.
- Inbred inmate offspring eyeballs.
- A Tasmanian Devil and a wombat woke me up in the same night by smelling my scalp. Taz Devils, as Ed Begley might say from St. Elsewhere, are a species that have been "hit by the ugly stick."
oball - 2009-03-25 Leaving a dingo skull is very weird, because there aren't any dingos in Tassie.
Pookles - 2009-03-15
What a dick
Cube - 2009-03-15
Burger & Fries was more bad-ass.
Meerkat - 2009-03-15
I love how it kept trying to steal his pad and take it down under the stairs.
hornung - 2009-03-15
i'm glad he sketched that, i have a similar sketch tattooed on my bicep.
it says "back off!"
rustedmutt - 2009-03-15
If you have to piss something off to draw it, then you suck at drawing.
Archon - 2009-03-15
One of these days, he's going to try to sketch a bear, and that will be the end of him.
apiaryist - 2009-03-15
This guy is an asshole.
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