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Comment count is 4
kingarthur - 2009-03-05

I get a big Throwing Muses/ Kristen Hersh vibe from her. And she's pretty.

brainbroke - 2009-03-05

When I first heard this song, I bought the album because of it. But this is probably one of the better if not best songs on that album.

Ersatz - 2009-03-05

Is it wrong that I get a little pissed off when artists I like get popular, and I can no longer see them in tiny clubs with no more than 200 other people?

RedHood - 2009-03-18

I understand what you mean. I found her back in '97 or so when I accidentally ordered "The Virginian" from Columbia house. I never got around to sending it back and got stuck with it. A year later I listened to it and fell in love. She turned me on to Alt-country and it feels weird that people know of her in a different way then her older stuff. Back when for years people just did not know who the hell I was talking about when I tired to tell then how much I love her music.

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