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Comment count is 8
Hooper_X - 2009-02-02

Someone tried submitting this before and it never got activated. NOW I ACTIVATE!

Hooper_X - 2009-02-02

I really wish someone would upload the version of Living on a Prayer. Both because Japanese guy trying to sing Bon Jovi and because it was this douchebag again, but he was trying to look really cool by standing around and smoking. Not dancing or anything, just smoking.

Camonk - 2009-02-02

Well what would you do while singing Living on a Prayer, smartass? It is a tough as hell song, so you gotta look tough as hell.

StanleyPain - 2009-02-02


halon - 2009-02-02

would having context for this make it less life changing?

wtf japan - 2009-02-02

Japanese vocals + Eastern European twink dancer = Brilliant!

I assume he's Eastern European because of the denim and the dirt-stache.

Hooper_X - 2009-02-03

Based on Youtube/Google Video comments, allegedly his name is "Almond."

The Townleybomb - 2009-02-03

dude when i lived in japan when you would go sing karaoke and the video for every british song (wuthering heights, you really got me, whatever) would be the same home video of some art-school new-ro kids eating lunch by a little stream in like 1985 and this is kind of the same thing so i five starred it due to nostalgia mostly but still its very funny. OK TALK TO YA LATER.

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