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This is really pretty awful but I laughed anyway.
I was expecting a House parody. What I got was even better. Although Wesley, Geordi and Troi walking down the corridor was reminiscent of Chase, Foreman and Cameron.
The whole series is pretty brilliant.
In episode 2, why is Picard in a dress?
He was off duty?
Have you ever watched M.A.S.H?
I love being strong.
Good riddance!
If you haven't seen Star Trek Nemesis, this is basically all that happens. Except an even retardeder Data is introduced.
I liked the two ships crashing into eachother, was pretty awesome
You must be mistaken. There was no Star Trek Nemesis.
An extra 5 ghost stars for the use of the Christopher Young score.
Isn't that one of the Hellraiser scores?
Yeah, first movie.
I laughed way way too hard at this.
Me too.
This was the episode where Lore deactivates Data and takes his place right
Apparently Trekkies have a better sense of humor than Star Wars nuts.
I laughed, I cried, I ran the whole gamut of emotions.
Look up the author on Youtube and enjoy the next half hour.
episode 12 is really funny.
oh hey look it's 2009's Lasagna Cat.
This is fantastic
I love being STRONG
It's never lupus! Give lupus a chance!
I really have to get in the habit of commenting AFTER i watch something. I need oxygen in my brain. Lots of it.
yeah, alright
Data is a furry.
Best one so far, but I reserve the right to see more and have my mind fuckled.
I held my laughter in until the last 2 seconds.
I took off my glasses because they got teared up. Also: sides ache.
SOP for furry pervert outbreak.
the fact that this one continues a storyline introduced in an earlier episode combined with Data being jettisoned into space makes it for me
This one had me in tears twice, and made me light-headed.
I wanted to hate on these but this made me laugh out loud.
(Severe respiratory distress)
[immitates Data blowing a kiss]
In the optimistic future of Gene Roddenberry, this is just what happens to furries. They don't even get a trial or one of those wheelchairs that that beeps.
Hooray for the Dan Lacey bit.
I wish I could favorite this TEN times.