fermun - 2009-01-27
I went to youtube the other day, and in the "Recommended for you" section, this was there. Youtube thinks I have some strange rubber fetish, I guess.
robotkarateman - 2009-01-27 TiVO thinks I like Gossip Girl. Guess neither of us can fool technology.
Diogenes - 2009-01-27
If you know of a better way to wash your wetsuit I would like to hear it.
Although that hose thing at the end seems like a good way to make a number of people uncomfortable while they write your obituary.
Pookles - 2009-01-27
Is the one on the right a dude?
Bone_Vulture - 2009-01-28 Seems to suffer from a bad case of man-face, and the other one either has really weird makeup or a head readily made of rubber.
I hate overly convoluted fetishes.
Albuquerque Halsey - 2009-01-27
pyro: fmmp fmmp fmmp fmmp
Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-01-27
the techno really makes it
UnderANeonHalo - 2009-01-27
Me and my friend were listening to this song in the car a few days ago. This just weirded me out.
StanleyPain - 2009-01-27
Meerkat - 2009-01-27
Why the fuck does this make me think of Ralph Bakshi's "Wizards"?
fluffy - 2009-01-27
Sexuality through barriers to intimacy.
SenilePlacebo - 2009-01-27
I'de hate to cum on your lesbian fantasy parade (not really, not at all), but the one on the right is a man.
oogaBooga - 2009-01-28
I'm going to have to wait until i'm dead.
oogaBooga - 2009-04-07 We joke, but we're only fooling ourselves if we think theres someone who wants to be on the bottom.
themilkshark - 2009-01-28
Whatever floats yer boat
Syd Midnight - 2009-01-28
Someone make a movie where a town gets nerve gassed and its up to the rubber fetishists to save the day by sensously killing commandos or something.
And it don't matter if ones of thems a dude if you have to go out of your way to figure that out, old Navy rule
klingerbgoode - 2009-01-28
well they look like they're having a nice time
JSP - 2009-01-28
SFW Fetish videos are always good for a slightly baffled five.
La Loco - 2009-01-28
I'm going to wait untill I'm in my 60's, fat, hairy and grey to get into this kind of fetish.
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