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Comment count is 13
baleen - 2008-12-20

merry christmas.

threads - 2008-12-20

That was very nice of you, but now I want to call in sick to work to watch it and then get completely blasted.

chumbucket - 2008-12-20

what a perfect injection of human ramblings through an alcoholic haze for the holiday season! thank you!

simon666 - 2008-12-20

Yeah well if I lived in LA I would hate everything about the human race too.

Keefu - 2008-12-20

Bukowski hasn't held up terribly well at all for me since I first read him at 15 or so.

Keefu - 2008-12-20

Not to shit all over him or that this documentary isn't interesting though.

baleen - 2008-12-20

I've never been very into him, I just thought this was well done.

Keefu - 2008-12-20

Yeah, it's interesting.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2008-12-20

Funny, but I discovered him later, and I love his world-weary self-depreciation and "well-read but down-to-earth" quality.

I guess maybe a dumb kid could think that the whole idea was how awesome and anti-establishment it is to be a sloppy ugly drunk, but if you read a book like Post Office of Factotum and have romantic fantasies about the protagonist's lifestyle, you may be missing the point.

Keefu - 2008-12-21

It's more of the terse as hell writing style that got worn down really quickly for me.

Keefu - 2008-12-21

Also, even when I was a kid, I could gleam that a lot of his writing was about the ugliness, sadness, and sometimes beauty/ugly beauty of American underbelly or whatever I could use to describe him. A lot of that doesn't feel as potent now.

This might have been affected by the last collection of stories I remember reading of his where he started a bunch of them off by narrating his characters waking up and taking a crap, which ended up being tiring to read.

Deadfetus - 2008-12-21

thanks baleen

pastorofmuppets - 2008-12-21

Who would want to be such a control freak?

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