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This scene alone is ten million times better than The Godfather and Casablanca rolled into one.
I watched this movie with my mom when I was nine years old. yup.
Was this before or after she was a nun?
long before. as far as nuns go my mom is pretty bad ass.
This was one of those movies where many, many people left the theater.
The entire thing of "Titanic" can kiss any random 30 seconds of this movie's ass.
That's not a ringing endorsement of this movie. Titanic can kiss the ass of any random 30 seconds from the third live action Ninja Turtles movie, too.
Oh God, I love this movie.
Edith Massey is my hero. And John Waters. His movies are what I think you'd see if you peered deep into Goatse's anus. (Look at the right time, and you see ANOTHER gaping anus!)
And the anus winks at you. ;) :0
When I saw this for the first time I couldn't eat eggs for a month.