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Damn she was hot.
That's actually not true.
If you don't look at her face and imagine the rest
Only an Amiga could make Debbie Harry look hot.
Are you guys kidding?? Have you not seen Videodrome? Jesus, she was hot even BEFORE she burned her tits with a cigarette and nagged James Woods to suicide.
"Are you ready to paint me?"
"At this point, I can sign my name on anything."
That Andy could whore and still maintain his integrity either relates to his strong character or his weak artistry. What say you?
Some whores have better paying clients than others.
In Andy's defense, it was an Amiga... at the time, a machine worthy of whoring one's self.
Notice how he was being a huge dick
A huge, rich, depraved dick...
Whorhal. His death is within earshot at this point.
And now the only thing getting drawn in Amigas is furry skunk porn.
Andy made whoring art, in a very real way.
Holy fuck. I always thought andy warhol was a dude. Dont hit me.
This man died before he could use KidPix. :-(
If only he'd lived to see Wacom tablets.
I think those glasses are sold in the Barbie aisle, now.
Andy wharol wouldn't cut it nowadays. Blondie would.
He talked about how mass culture dilutes meaning. He's already won the art game.