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3 hrs later... "uh, I believe that's a chamelon, sir"
Also not to be confused with Geico, which can save you a bundle on your car insurance.
have you no joy?
we dont give a fuck if its not a gecko
it's a chameleon in a very poor gecko disguise
that's not a fucking gecko!
shut up
Do you like anything?
How dare you ruin that gecko's birthday, sir!
We don't give a fuck if it's its birthday. Or if it's a gecko.
This is a quality video, LIZARD NERDS.
What the hell is wrong with it?
The road is hot. But not as hot as the dancing! :D
Also: earmites?
I like whisky and this lizard
This lizard is a national hero for wherever it's from.
They make fun pets but sometimes the front of their little snout starts to rot and you have to apply medicine. I like it when the little chameleon has funk and soul.
need to sign this guy on with fitty...stat
fuck you guys for almost letting this drop out of the hopper
This shit is cold blooded yo
Can't make chameleon rhyme with Chevrolet movie theater. :/
Yay chameleons.
I had no idea that lizards could crump.