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Category:Horror, Military
Tags:Lee Greenwood, NEA, FUCK YOU LAME DUCK
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Comment count is 15
cognitivedissonance - 2008-11-12

Seriously, this one just hurts. This is the last hurrah of the early 21st century phenomenon of "Stupid Totalitarianism".

simon666 - 2008-11-12

It's fucking funny that people think in order to be patriotic one must affix played out and clich�d symbols to their feelings; as if their feelings weren't enough.

I hate you flag waving eagle fuckers.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-11-12

This guys got a 6-year term as President. Six years. Starting now.

Can someone please invent a machine that makes time speed up until January 20th? Please?

violenza - 2008-11-12

Jesus, culture as we know it just got punched in the dick. Evil points to Bush for hitting the achilles there.

cognitivedissonance - 2008-11-12

And really, Morgan Freeman wasn't DOING anything. He was the frontrunner. WTF.

goethe re scape - 2008-11-12

He's not president, he's part of a 14 member advisory council to the Chairman. Still an inspired FU from Bush.

TeenerTot - 2008-11-12

If I see one more picture of an eagle with a teardrop....Son of a bitch.

Camonk - 2008-11-12

I saw one on the door a professor's office. I almost ripped it down. Luckily dude is not in my concentration so I don't have to worry, but it was still appalling.

Camonk - 2008-11-12

Hey guys. You know who sucks? Lee Greenwood. That guy sucks bad. I wish he'd die.

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-11-13

I know, dude. Like, he's so awful and has a hit song amongst rednecks and jingoists and, you know, he really isn't a good person to be in charge of the NEA cause, he's just, not qualified.

racetraitor - 2008-11-13

And I'd proudly stand UP *tish* next to you and defend her still today!

I remember singing this in high school choir and making that "UP" the most obnoxious staccato we could possibly get away with.

sliggy - 2008-11-13

This song came out when I was eight years old, and I knew THEN that it was ridiculously lame and stupid. We had to sing it in school and I would get mad and sit it out.

I don't know if I can count that as an example of my good taste, though, as I did the same thing for the hokey pokey.

RedHood - 2008-11-13

Are those Tibetan monks at 2:45?

taschenrechner - 2008-11-14

Not tibetan monks. They look like Theravada monks, like from Thailand or somewhere in SE Asia.

dancingshadow - 2008-11-13


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