sinuendo - 2008-11-16
Too bad I hate gold.
Cube - 2008-11-16
It can be done, but it usually hurts like hell.
Goethe and ernie - 2008-11-16
I can open a bottle of beer with a piece of A4 (I think you'd know it as "American legal", I think) paper. It hurts a lot less than this would.
Desidiosus - 2008-11-16 I can open a bottle of beer with a bottle opener. Why bother hurting your hand or wasting a piece of paper?
Goethe and ernie - 2008-11-16 Well, it's very useful for those situations when you have no bottle opener to hand but you do have some paper. Those really common situations just like that.
Konversekid - 2008-11-16 One time I tried to open some chocolate milk, but the two flaps of the carton stuck together. So using my bare hands I just opened it on the other side.
dr_rock - 2008-11-17 My favorite bottle opener is a snare drum rim. Works really well.
Also, they make bottle-opener rings, mostly for frat guys.
Goethe and ernie - 2008-11-16
I once opened a locked bathroom in a French apartment building with a spoon, oohhhh shit I upped the ante there.
Goethe and ernie - 2008-11-16 That was of course supposed to be a reply to Camonk.
Knuckles - 2008-11-16 I once defused a ticking time bomb with a paperclip and a short length of used twine. Then to celebrate I opened a beer bottle with a baby.
Desidiosus - 2008-11-16 I once created a nuka-grenade with some cleaner, some turpentine, a tin can and a nuka-cola. Then to celebrate I blew myself up.
The Great Hippo - 2008-11-16 I once hacked into the pentagon with a rusty paperclip and an electronic Spanish-to-English dictionary.
sunisevil - 2008-11-16 Once I opened up a guy with beer bottle. He was filled with life at the time.
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