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Comment count is 12
dead_cat - 2008-11-12


HankFinch - 2008-11-12

What you've just seen is the definition of WiLd, WaCkY and ZaNy. Please notice the alternation of colors for it is CRAZY.

Rabid Vegan - 2008-11-12

I had to drink lye to get the song out of my head the last time you fuckers oh well ONG ONG ONG GLUG

zerobackup - 2009-06-15

..they find an entrance where they can.

FISTFULLofSOUL - 2008-11-12

Viva la Boosh and fuck all the jonny-come lately haters!

TeflonDoc - 2008-11-12

I was expecting the song where the guy who has depression put his face on a carrot. Instead I got whatever this is.

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-11-12

Steampunk ravers?

Goethe and ernie - 2008-11-12

Dear America,
if you love the Mighty Boosh so much, please take them off our hands. Only seventeen year old girls with ironic haircuts like them.


Genesis - 2008-11-12

Dear England,
My hair is in no way ironic, its kind of greasy tho but I guess that's because I haven't showered. I had a busy day today, ah well. Yeah, don't worry I can take 'em for you. See ya' saturday.

Best Wishes,

smoothbrain - 2009-04-23

I'm betting the people who hate this show also hate Monty Python.

Also life.

theSnake - 2008-11-12

I don't like this new Doctor Who.

YakooMarkTwo - 2010-10-06

Did you enjoy that, boy? Cockney ur-ine in your face?

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