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What you've just seen is the definition of WiLd, WaCkY and ZaNy. Please notice the alternation of colors for it is CRAZY.
I had to drink lye to get the song out of my head the last time you fuckers oh well ONG ONG ONG GLUG
..they find an entrance where they can.
Viva la Boosh and fuck all the jonny-come lately haters!
I was expecting the song where the guy who has depression put his face on a carrot. Instead I got whatever this is.
Steampunk ravers?
Dear America, if you love the Mighty Boosh so much, please take them off our hands. Only seventeen year old girls with ironic haircuts like them. Love, England
Dear England, My hair is in no way ironic, its kind of greasy tho but I guess that's because I haven't showered. I had a busy day today, ah well. Yeah, don't worry I can take 'em for you. See ya' saturday. Best Wishes, Texas
I'm betting the people who hate this show also hate Monty Python. Also life.
I don't like this new Doctor Who.
Did you enjoy that, boy? Cockney ur-ine in your face?