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Comment count is 11
KnowFuture - 2008-09-21

I wound up buying a big screen TV and this movie was 50% of my reason for doing so. The other 50% was Blade Runner.

MrBuddy - 2010-05-24

Add Giorgio Moroder's version of Metropolis and you'd sound exactly like me.

Desidiosus - 2008-09-21

Thanks, I hadn't seen this since 1987 or thereabouts.

erratic - 2008-09-21

-1 for google video quality, plus a million for koyaanisqatsi

StanleyPain - 2008-09-21

Beautiful disaster? Try "masterpiece." Or has it been long enough that it's the hipster 'in' thing to hate on the Qatsi movies?

haole - 2008-09-21

the "disaster" i would be referring to is culmination of what we've become as the human race (as is masterfully portrayed in the film.) life out of balance is the disaster.

Bored - 2008-09-21

Not really a movie I should be watching on a day of isolated boredom, but I do love me some Koyaanisqatsi.

Beyonce Knowles - 2008-09-21


Why isn't this available on Blu-Ray yet?

jangbones - 2008-09-22

posted the same week the fed is pondering an 0 billion bailout of the U.S. economy

Albrot - 2008-09-22

This is pretty much the greatest thing. Are Powaqqatsi and Naqoyqatsi up by any chance?

enki don't - 2008-09-23

I think it's a lovely, sweeping film with a lovely score. The Grid is still one of my fave Glass compositions.

As a meditation or commentary on the insane complexity of modern American life, vs. the more "balanced" and now mostly lost native cultures that roamed this continent pre-whitey, or to display/contrast the sprawling, frenetic works of man vs. the ever-dwindling unspoiled areas of this country that remain, and even as a sort of an odd discussion of a kind of eschatology, I think Godfrey's just shootin' fish in a barrel.

We knew that. I mean, it's correct, it's pretty, but it didn't stop nobody from strip mining any damn hill.

I don't know, maybe that was the whole damn point - look everybody! We live these crazy wasteful polluting planet-dooming lives and we're all just totally fucked. But it's pretty breathtaking to watch in 70mm, ain't it?

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