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Comment count is 8
Lurchi - 2008-09-14

Part one. Multipart submission was broken, of course.

anvill - 2008-09-14

TV: The magic learning box.
The interview's neat to see, but not very substantive.

Jeff Fries - 2008-09-14

I was hoping the guy who turned out to be Nabokov was actually Lionel Trilling because I wanted to hear him introduce himself, which I'm sure would involve rolling that 'r' around for about an hour.

NoCode - 2008-09-14

This is the first time I've ever seen Nabokov speak, and it's weirding me out a bit that this is basically exactly what I've always envisioned Clare Quilty to be like. D:

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-12-12

I thought the same thing as soon as he opened his mouth.

Maggot Brain - 2008-09-15

I didn't care much for the subject but that set was too amazing.

MrBuddy - 2008-09-15

i've always been afraid to read lolita because i could imagine myself accidently clicking on some website with child pornography then at that very momen the fbi would break my door down and see me sitting there with lolita and child porn and say "that's all the proof we need" and put me away for who knows how many years

In a related note (that I never imaged could be related) it's hard to understand a stuttering Russian speaking English. I'm kind of glad they moved over to that couch. Looking at those candles I was starting to wonder if they had electricity in those days.

Lurchi - 2008-09-15

I don't think owning a 50's novel would be your biggest problem.

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