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Desc:Features a terrifying child, a terrifying Santa Claus, and a terrifying similarity to Tim and Eric
Category:Advertisements, Arts
Tags:commercial, tiger woods, your mom is dead, HERES A RULE, man or astroman?
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Comment count is 17
robotkarateman - 2008-08-28

If it weren't for video games chubby redhead kids would have no idea what a "backswing" even was.

+2 stars for MOA tag

Knuckles - 2008-08-28

Minus a star because when I went back to :16 it wasn't really Hitler after all.

mon666ster - 2008-08-28

I'm gonna give it the full 5, because I still find Nazi cops disturbing enough.

RomancingTrain - 2008-08-28

Fucking moon-cheese babbies.

Hooper_X - 2008-08-28


NoCode - 2008-08-28

My daddy says each one of my freckles is a kiss from an angel.

Chalkdust - 2008-08-28

So does the presence of the astronaut hint that you might be able to golf on the moon? And if you take a normal golfer up to the moon, will they suffocate?

Chizmurder - 2008-08-28

I saw this at a bar on mute and was so utterly confused. Glad to see the audio doesn't make any more sense out of it.

Xenocide - 2008-08-28

For an accurate simulation of the Tiger Woods 2009 PGA Tour, stay at home rubbing ointment unto your knee.

zatojones - 2008-08-28

...on top of a huge pile of money while being fellated by your model wife

Testicles of Doom - 2008-08-29

...Who is going to spend all of your money on coke.

citrusmirakel - 2008-08-28

What... the... hell?

garcet71283 - 2008-08-28

I feel like entering this video and demanding I see the truffle shuffle.

kennydra - 2008-08-28

5 because he killed his mom with a golf ball and doesn't even care.

video games: turning your child into a ruthless killer. Even if they're about golf.

kennydra - 2008-08-28

I think I meant club, I dunno, not watching it again.

SpookyElectric - 2008-08-29

all imitating Simon Birch

chumbucket - 2008-08-28

yo rated E fo everyone

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