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If it weren't for video games chubby redhead kids would have no idea what a "backswing" even was. +2 stars for MOA tag
Minus a star because when I went back to :16 it wasn't really Hitler after all.
I'm gonna give it the full 5, because I still find Nazi cops disturbing enough.
Fucking moon-cheese babbies.
My daddy says each one of my freckles is a kiss from an angel.
So does the presence of the astronaut hint that you might be able to golf on the moon? And if you take a normal golfer up to the moon, will they suffocate?
I saw this at a bar on mute and was so utterly confused. Glad to see the audio doesn't make any more sense out of it.
For an accurate simulation of the Tiger Woods 2009 PGA Tour, stay at home rubbing ointment unto your knee.
...on top of a huge pile of money while being fellated by your model wife
...Who is going to spend all of your money on coke.
What... the... hell?
I feel like entering this video and demanding I see the truffle shuffle.
5 because he killed his mom with a golf ball and doesn't even care. video games: turning your child into a ruthless killer. Even if they're about golf.
I think I meant club, I dunno, not watching it again.
all imitating Simon Birch
yo rated E fo everyone