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you know?
You can do anything you want with it
Yes, playing bass guitar is boring
So that's what I've been doing wrong the last 10 years I've been playing bass.
"You can do anything you want with it." Is Boostsy funk's Bob Ross? "Who lives there? A happy funk beat... yea."
Perfect description.
Bootsy rules. The stuff he did with the rest of Parliament/Funkadelic on the soundtrack to "superbad" was instantly recognizable at least to me. Theres a whole making of feature on the band that is kickass if you havent seen it on the spec edition.
do with it, you know? do with it, you know?
One. One. One. you know.
this is th best bass guitar lesson i've ever seen
His glasses are famous.
Required viewing, indeed.
I play bass guitar, and really he says it all.
I wasted thousands of dollars on my music degree.
In a just world, the "boss fights" in Guitar Hero would be against Bootsy. And unwinnable.