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5 stars for the msot underrated Muppet.
These three are easily the most badass muppets. Excluding Animal, of course.
Beaker always gets five stars.
which always makes me think of Clockwork orange
Wait, the two old curmudgeonly muppets can use a computer, but a guy running for president can't? There's something wrong with that.
"Dooooo-ahhh ah ha ha ha ha!"
MOAR! This is a good trend.
I think you meant to say 'more.' That is how is is spelled.
Yes, more, more please.
The moment the violin catches on fire.
This just puts my ridiculous webcam loop-pedal concerts to shame.
Beaker is such a selfish bastard. Always me me me.
i was going to -1 star because his head doesn't explode but I couldn't. Statler and Waldorf need to be at the end of every youtube video
Fact: Defective metronomes are the leading cause of all music-related injuries.
Play it again.
I love Beaker so much.
Beaker is the best
Mi mimi mi mi mi. MI MI MI!
Fucking righteous. Beaker for Presiden't '08
The glass breaking is the begining of the best
Rosemilk forgot to turn on his emotion chip.