Aoi - 2008-07-11
This is where the music for the second and third parts of the Namco X Capcom video came from. Keep watching. Prove your courage.
Aoi - 2008-07-12 Crap. Wrong version.
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-07-12
The orchestra version is so much better.
Audio sync issue was pretty cute, though.
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-07-12 Oh, wait, the new version.
This is turning into a disaster!
Aoi - 2008-07-12 And now you understand why I chose that category from the beginning!
kelpfoot - 2008-07-12
I got 81 seconds in before blood erupted from my every orifice. Should I go back and watch any specific parts, or did I get the gist of it?
facek - 2008-07-12
Wooooooo Remix of a Remix of a choral rendition of a remix of a mashup!
bacon-swiss - 2008-07-12
Needs moar mudkipz.
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