Cleaner82 - 2008-07-10
All that may be true, but I saw a guy riding a horse for about fifty years.
FABIO2 - 2008-07-10
Intro week always peters out with crap like this.
Aelric - 2008-07-11
You don't even know
Xenocide - 2008-07-11
Three stars for being related to Shadow Hearts.
Aelric - 2008-07-11 funny thing was that is was completely different, with no anime influence at all, where as shadow hearts as a whole embraced that goofball horseshit.
well, the second one did, anyway.
revdrew - 2008-07-11
Boring intro, great game.
leifthorrsman - 2008-07-13
Three stars for leading into Shadow Hearts, although this game was highly impossible to sit through to play through the whole thing. The cutscenes weren't bad but the gameplay itself was atrocious.
This game did begin the staples of Shadow Hearts, such as the creepy ass monster designs.
SpookyElectric - 2008-07-13
good graphics for the time, I guess. couldn't we have seen some dead children, murderous Catholics, or drunken confessions of incestuous rape?
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