Simian Pride - 2008-07-03
Part two is the ceremony viewed from the Pakistan side, narrated by Michael Palin
halon - 2008-07-03
I was doing well, but I lost my shit right after the handshake at the end.
mouser - 2008-07-03 I failed: 2:19 into this:
Cleaner82 - 2008-07-04
We really are animals in clothes aren't we.
TeenerTot - 2008-07-04
"Allright, I'll leave. But when I go, I'll be moving my arms like this, and if you get hit it's your own fault."
"Fine. And I'll be kicking the air like this, and if any part of you should fill that air it's YOUR own fault."
Mad zombie hunter - 2008-08-12
I imagine that after the chest thumping is done with, all the guards from both sides get together to share dinner, trade porn, exchange 'Asshole tourist stories', bitch about their officers and coordinate the whole ceremony to keep the top brass from screwing with their cushy desk jobs.
"Hey man, would you let me kick higher tomorrow? Brigade HQ is sending in an inspection team."
"You got it bro. But you gotta let me out-thumb you Monday. I got a hot date to impress."
(Brotherly fist tap)
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