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Desc:My favourite scene from a really decent flick
Category:Classic Movies, Military
Tags:Navy, britain, Russell Crowe, master and commander, naval warfare
Submitted:Jimmy Labatt
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Comment count is 10
Jimmy Labatt - 2008-07-01

Kind of unfortunate that this film had to be up against Return of the King come Oscar time; in any other year Peter Weir would have walked away with a lot more hardware I'm sure.

hentaiwolf - 2008-07-02

Incredible film. A flash video just doesn't do it justice.

Jimmy Labatt - 2008-07-02

Too true. Hey, at least the sound is decent (which is what he won for if I'm not mistaken).

Gotta pop in the DVD again soon for the girlfriend (I make a habit out of watching this, Aliens and a few select others at least once a year).

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2008-07-02

This movie is GREAT. Plus you can read the whole thing as a metaphor for Darwin Vs. Religion, if you want to.

glasseye - 2008-07-02

This movie kicks so much ass.

Camonk - 2008-07-02

Why can't we get another of these movies? This one was completely righteous.

Sean Robinson - 2008-07-02

It's up on Hulu right now. Just watched it again a week or so again. Fantastic film, absolutely. I mean, homoerotic as hell and more than occasionally overwrought, but provides a real whole history of a fascinating closed social network as it zips through every deck of the ship.

athodyd - 2008-07-02

"homoerotic as hell"

It's the Royal Navy.

athodyd - 2008-07-02

fuck france

p.s. the book is good too

facek - 2008-07-02

My favorite part in the entire movie is when that one armed boy leads the charge into the french hull and shoots a guy right as he gets in.

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