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Comment count is 8
j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-27

Now that IS a new miracle of electricity! :D

freedoom - 2008-06-27

Was that at 0:58 dog real? also what was that crazy rant at the end?

kiint - 2008-06-27

the horn players at :50 are all like "WTF is this shit?"

Lurchi - 2008-06-27

And the people turned on their radios. And BEHOLD! Fear spread across the land. And the people fled their homes into the wilderness.

fluffy - 2008-06-27

Technologically-speaking this is much more like a talkbox than a vocoder, although it's also subtly different.

What the hell was the ending about though? I have a feeling there was some context we're missing.

happy_ending - 2008-06-27

It's because it's the end of a movie.

boner - 2008-06-27

This was something the Manhattan Project invented by mistake.

Cube - 2008-06-28

Tight as hell.

Talk boxes for ever.

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