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Comment count is 9
robotkarateman - 2008-06-17

Goodbye everybody, don't watch Barney.

Camonk - 2008-06-17

That was sublime.

Hodge - 2008-06-17

Why did they have to show Ernie naked?

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2008-06-17

some things are still OK in this world

cognitivedissonance - 2008-06-17

There will be mourning in the streets when he dies, biblical scale sackcloth, potsherds and ashes time.

meamlegion - 2008-06-17

how does he control big birds right hand!!!!????

snothouse - 2008-06-17

It's attached with invisible wire to the left hand, so the two work with each other.

rulestein - 2008-06-17

There is a small child inside the big bird belly that controls the right hand.

Diogenes - 2008-06-17

This film is a lie. Big bird is real. He lives on 123 Sesame Street. I do not know who that man is, but he is obviously not Big Bird. Big Bird is the yellow one.

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