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Comment count is 12
jangbones - 2008-06-15

"The helpless white minority."

Isn't that FOX News' new slogan?

TheOtherCapnS - 2008-06-15

Five stars for this comment.

bowie - 2008-06-16

Kind of gives "minority whip" a new meaning.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-06-15

Of course, it would've been funny if a white politician had taken a drink of booze during work.

DopeFiend - 2008-06-15

Obama just lost my vote!

Spoonybard - 2008-06-15

It's all coming true!

delicatessen - 2008-06-15

Yea but who doesn't like chicken, booze and white women?

Hodge - 2008-06-15

Is this new footage of Resident Evil 5?

Hodge - 2008-06-15

Fuck, disregard that. Wrong clip.

Rudy - 2008-06-15

God I hope so

Senator_Unger - 2008-06-15

Needs a "Why Obama lost West Virginia" tag.

bac - 2008-12-11

...Everybody seemed really happy about intermarriage, that's good right?

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