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Desc:I can't recite The Lord's Prayer, I'd gladly buy the brothers a drink.
Category:Classic Movies, Trailers
Tags:boondock saints, I will take vengence upon mine enemies
Submitted:j lzrd / swift idiot
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Comment count is 14
Zanac - 2008-06-01

Science has not yet developed instruments sophisticated enough to determine whether this movie is good or terrible.

voodoo_pork - 2008-06-01

I happen to be an expert on this subject:

This movie sucks.

chairsforcheap - 2008-06-01

it's absolutely terrible

Dinkin Flicka - 2008-06-01

Gay faggotry at its worst.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2008-06-01

This movie is retarded

chairsforcheap - 2008-06-01

i guess i may as well vote in agreement with the previous statements...

TheMarsTravolta - 2008-06-01


The trailer doesn't really show it, but the director became an egotistical asshole who destroyed every personal and buisness relationship trying to get this movie made.

Syd Midnight - 2008-06-04

Yeah but make it All Uncle Ruckus then see how good that is

GoneGirl - 2008-06-01

Five stars for the world's scariest woman: Willem Dafoe.

StanleyPain - 2008-06-03

Funny thing, I saw this movie a few months ago and, in all complete honesty, I had no idea what it was. I had seen the box and I knew there was some merchandising for it (I saw the shirts at Hot Topic), but knew fuckall about it.

I thought it was enjoyable. A decent film. I still do, but I understand the hate for it because, like all other badly forced "cult movies", the fanbase are the biggest jackoffs ever. I literally never understood where it came from either, having seen the film now. Now I get it when people quote the movie and I'm like "Why THAT line? It's not funny or clever or ANYTHING. It's just some shit from the movie." So yeah...decent movie, incredibly stupid fans.

Unsung - 2008-06-04

-1 star for the unneeded pro-vigilante BS.

Syd Midnight - 2008-06-04

As SA pointed out "I's some retarded anime-influenced crap. But its worth if for Uncle Ruckus. Can we just have the Uncle Ruckus cartoon?

Vestigial Johnson - 2009-02-27

complete waste of time. really a shitty film, no question

Riskbreaker - 2010-04-14

Anyone who likes this should stop watching movies.

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