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Kevin MacDonald is an inhabitant of Vault 36.
LOL he like's to stretch all the time too +5 for "rape the bejeezus"
the FAT OLD MEN in the hall....still, stars for them
Kevin McDonald seems to have changed the least.
They sounded so excited about it. It made me want to rape Kevin, too.
And it just dawned on me that if he had agreed to it, it would've ruined the entire idea.
dave foley looks like he had a pretty tragic tanning accident.
A gravy accident too.
Nowadays he looks like Dave Foley's creepy uncle.
It saw sort of weird. The really was just this video, then they brutally raped Kevin for two hours, then the crushing your head guy.
This is one of the best live shows I've ever seen.
ps more happens than just raping Kevin
No way I love the crushing your head guy!
They actually end the show with him crushing the audiences head. He has a camcorder directly linked with the screen.
Man, they're in Portland TODAY too.
I'm really tempted to spend the 40 bucks to see them now...