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Desc:Keith Olbermann illustrating the Hillary Campaign's desperation.
Category:News & Politics, Humor
Tags:Countdown, MSNBC, Olbermann, clinton, hillary
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Comment count is 20
Heyheymastequila - 2008-05-07

it really puts the pathetic nature of this into context

baleen - 2008-05-07

Not too much of an Olbermann fan but this was pretty well done.

Maggot Brain - 2008-05-07

Did that one person who did vote get a door prize?

citrusmirakel - 2008-05-07

The graphics guy was actually having a difficult time keeping up with him.

AgentOrange - 2008-05-07

Great ending.

Enjoy - 2008-05-08

Well put

kingarthur - 2008-05-08

I can give you the short version: Clinton's ego is so massive that if she can't be president, then she's determined that no one can be president. She knows she can't win and that with the voter fraud that occurred for and under Bush that any attempt at over-ruling the popular vote will cause, at the least, a tiff among liberals, Democrats and liberal Democrats. So her strategy is to keep fucking it up for Obama as long and hard as she can, thereby putting McCain in the White House and setting her up to run again in 2012. If she had any sense of decency (ha!) she'd bow out.

Feyd - 2008-05-08

Or say, she really believes that she is the best, most able and qualified person to be the next POTUS, and that about 49% of dem primary voters agree and are a little wary of this new guy with no record of success whatsoever who is so popular with college kids and potheads. Or it could be your thing. You never know.

Feyd - 2008-05-08

oh also: anyone who can listen to Olbermann without cringing is sub-human.

Terminal Button - 2008-05-08

You bore me. I know you don't care if you bore me or not Feyd, but you do. You are really boring. I almost passed out reading what you had to say.

teethsalad - 2008-05-08

ron paul eats tinsel

Feyd - 2008-05-08

there certainly are some pertinent replies here. What little was said was fictitious. Rock on!

Whitewater5 - 2008-05-08

when ron paul is president such lies will not be allowed

kingarthur - 2008-05-08

Yeah, Feyd. She believes that so much she's willing to subvert the popular vote and will of the people to prove it. Christ, listen to yourself. The fact that she's had to run away from most of the Democratic party and liberals in general just to get the support she does have from old white ladies and blue-collar unions should say something to you. Never mind the amount of trash the Obama campaign could have put out there about Hillary and surprisingly didn't. To me, it certainly looks like they've tried very hard to shake the Obama tree until something extremely nasty falls out and the best they could do so far was "lookit that thar crazy nigra preacher!"

CornOnTheCabre - 2008-05-11

wow a hillary supporter who argues by creating fantasy worlds where all opposition is simultaneously elitist and uncultured, what a fucking novelty

Feyd - 2008-05-16

No real human with real human blood says things like "subvert the popular vote." Crazy internet robots say those kinds of things. She's willing to keep campaigning to represent the approximately 49% of the Democratic Party that isn't so up it's own rhetorical ass that it actually respects a tradition of accomplishment and the EVIL "E" WORD, "experience," as in "having actually accomplished a single thing in any sphere, ever." You serial non-participants will get bored or forget or get too stoned to vote, eventually. The Dem party relies on enthusiastic white trash. They send in the checks. Have fun feeling a part of the process, at least this minute.

Whitewater5 - 2008-05-08

Just so everyone knows, Feyd is a Ron Paul supporter.

Rovin - 2008-05-08

Ah, I was wondering why he was putting the potheads with Obama when Ron Paul seemed the more natural choice.

Feyd - 2008-05-16

GO RON PAUL, that is what I tell people, when I can be bothered to remember who the fuck ron paul is. 2-nd tier Libertarian candidate maybe something like 5-th tier Republican, oh yeah, I am so about that guy. You stupid knobs.

DopeFiend - 2008-05-26

Feyd, you are a very angry fellow!

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