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Desc:Ray Liotta lookalike from hell uses TEH MAJIC to make a lawyer sodomize himself. Just a little NSFW
Category:Horror, Humor
Tags:Prison, sodomy, wishmaster, it came from the 90s, djinn
Submitted:Mostly Pi
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Comment count is 11
DerangedGoblin - 2008-04-27

I ONLY play for rrreeeal!

Gunny McRifleson - 2008-04-27

So what about his case, man?

a flaming monkey - 2008-04-27

Thank the heavens someone found this. I was beginning to think I dreamed it.
Bless the internet and all of its stunted children.

chumbucket - 2008-04-27

oh yeah, instant classic. I like how they don't waste any time from going from the wish to the follow-through

baleen - 2008-04-27

That made me spit out my sandwich at the end.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-04-27

The best part of this is how instead of being horrified, he's just whiny about his case.

Beyonce Knowles - 2008-04-27

Yay wishmaster!

bac - 2008-04-27

really? you put that as not safe for work? bah.

Poor Excuse - 2008-04-27

When masturbation becomes an act of RAPE!!! Watch tonight, to learn how YOU can avoid being the VICTIM of someone's wish gone awry.

The Great Hippo - 2008-04-27

Wishmaster 1 was great; Wishmaster 2 loses points for all the pseudo-religious garbage they heaped on but gets them back for a few fan-fucking-tastic scenes like this. 3 was pretty much garbage again, but 4 was a work of underrated brilliance. The scene with the djinn on the phone with the lawyer (cracking puns and murdering him) is UNSPEAKABLY awesome. And let's not forget the girl who wishes she could get fucked to death (and the guy who wishes he could be just a zit on another hot girl's ass).

Reserving my five stars for someone who can find it and submit some of those scenes--I haven't had any luck.

leifthorrsman - 2008-04-29

The first two Wishmasters are really the only ones that matter. They boast the greatest death scenes at least.

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