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Comment count is 8
KnowFuture - 2008-04-09

"...running AGAIN for the presidency...."

Syd Midnight - 2008-04-09

I haven't look ed at the prior ones, so.. is this serious or a piss take? I honestly can't tell.. is this an elaborate mean troll, or embarrassing reality?

My instinct is that it is a sincere troll, and for that they get 4 stars for bringing it.

Doesn't "Arizona" really sound like "Sheriff Joe Arpacio", ie: put undesirables in a camp until they die? Thats how the rest of the world knows ya, be good to know there's a sexy MILF underground.

Camonk - 2008-04-09

Arizona really is a horrible, horrible place.

rustedmutt - 2008-04-09

About as evil as you can get. So much cringe, so little time.

Hakujinjoe - 2008-04-09

I seriously don't know if these are serious or a joke of some kind. Does anyone really know? 5 stars because either way the result is hilarious

MaulLove - 2008-04-09

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That's about right.

citrusmirakel - 2008-04-09

"Talk to me like McCain does." This means that all three of these women LOVE it when you call them a cunt.

klingerbgoode - 2008-04-09

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by The MCPS - PRS Alliance Ltd."

uh oh!

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