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that's a pretty idealized version of Howard. Should be more like: "Dear Howard, I am so sad." the end.
Plus, he also loves my momma and wishes she were his wife! Just like me!
I wonder if Howard and Lovecraft ever touched wieners.
I have a dream, a dream of a muscle man with a giant sword
When Conan sucks a dick, it stays sucked!
"He don't take it from no one." Yes, Conan is more of a giver than a receiver.
I had no idea Vincent D'Onofrio and Renee Zellweger made a movie about the guy who wrote Conan novels.
Honestly, it's average at best. Rented it and it was pretty pedestrian. There are some good scenes though, this being one of them
Good thing this guy wasn't born 50 years later or he'd be addicted to internet pron and the closest we'd come to Conan would be his LARP character.
Nah, he's be the monarch of his own WoW guild.
strange movie