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Comment count is 9
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-02-12

You're never aware of your neck until it starts hurting.

RockBolt - 2008-02-12

Geez even in youtube rez you can see the blood trail

positively - 2008-02-12

Damn I've seen Jet Li do kicks like that

TeenerTot - 2008-02-12

Yikes. Are you sure he's okay?

Does anyone else find the commentators' conversation here slightly creepy? Where else could you hear stuff like "gotta be the carotid" or "I have seen that much blood before"?

kingarthur - 2008-02-12

He was remembering his ear-necklace days from the 60s.

Sean Robinson - 2008-02-12


He is currently in stable condition after life-saving surgery repairing his severed carotid.

Ahriman the Creepy Lurker - 2008-02-12

That's a relief--I was hoping I didn't just see him get killed there.

fermun - 2008-06-10

That announcer was there during the Clint Malarchuk throat-slicing game. I'm sure everyone remembers the first time they see someone get their throat slit.

hornung - 2008-02-13

like i'm going to watch this.
i saw the malarchuk injury live back in the day.

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