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Desc:Woman with cat o' nine tails and money glued to her areolas raps about football. Terror ensues.
Category:Horror, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:football, patriots, naked rice girl, people who are not proud of their ethnicity
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Comment count is 37
baleen - 2008-01-09

Somewhat NSFW for obvious reason, but no actual whole tata can be seen.

One of the creepiest people on youtube.

Billie_J_Buttfuck - 2008-01-09

She also has about a hundred videos just like this on Youtube.

I'm not giving this a rating -I'm not really sure how to take it.

FatFatuousNation - 2008-01-09

that's my rice girl!

keinsignal - 2008-01-09

crazy eyes!

Yellow Lantern - 2008-01-09

"Uh...I think their eyes are always like that."

Doctor Arcane - 2008-01-09

uh. go pats?

pastorofmuppets - 2008-12-18

About that...no one's allowed to like the Patriots anymore. Or eat at D'Angelos. We all took a vote (civilization I mean).

BHWW - 2008-01-09





(terrified screaming continues on into the night)

Mayberry Pancakes - 2008-01-09

Colts are just an animal, like a donkey or an ass or a foal

Maggot Brain - 2008-01-10

So if there is any thing I'm to get out of this its that The Colts are just an animal. Like a donk, ass, or foal?

sheikurbouti - 2008-01-09

Yowza! I wonder if Syd Midnight has done a rail of coke with HER!

Stog - 2008-01-09

Jesus Christ I want to fill her mouth with cement

EvilHomer - 2008-01-09

Her "horror fest holloween" episode is pretty classy, too.

And speaking of "her"... is this a dude? She's got that shiny, plastic-monstrosity face that drag queens with way too much money to blow on surgery often end up with. My, uhhh, friend wants to know, so he doesn't do anything rash with her volleyball videos.

EvilHomer - 2008-01-09

Upon further review, I don't think she's a dude; she's just crazy. Apparently she starred in a direct-to-video movie with Pat Morita, not long before he died:


Hooper_X - 2008-01-09

Regardless, those are some awesomely fake tits.

zatojones - 2008-01-10

the very definition of "bolt ons"

Roachbud - 2008-01-09

Five stahs for D'Angelo's Numbah Nine, it's a wicked pissah sandwich, dudeguy

doc duodenum - 2008-01-09

I'm surprised anyone could understand what she said.

Meerkat - 2008-01-09

Michelle Malkin?

Billy Buttsex - 2008-01-09


rroach - 2008-01-09

Basketballs for tits, backboard for a face.

(Totally a dude.)

crote - 2008-01-09

Thanks for the sammy req, lady.

Next time I'm at Deangelo's, I know what I'm getting.

Roachbud - 2008-01-10

You're obviously from away because New England's favorite sandwich shop is spelled D'Angelo's

Chalkdust - 2008-01-09

I love the internet.

kingarthur - 2008-01-09

Her lunacy could power the world. THE WORLD.

I feel like i just snorted a bag of cocaine after watching that.


a flaming monkey - 2008-01-09

I'm sorry to do this but here's a lengthy quote from his/her(?) profile:

Poor asian rice girl boobs chick dumb and dumber beach bumb kick ass volleyball player. A series of unfortunate events happen to her since her exile from the iron maiden, involving a mysterious haunted ghost volleyball beats up her breasts, ass and other body parts. Not knowing too many English words, she was trained by a xxx parrot assassin made by the Chinese government to brain wash her into a fierce warrior, fighting and cursing machine, adult languages and drunken hot temper flares up...

...and it goes on like this for paraghraphs more...

Chalkdust - 2008-01-09

Francis E. Dec had an illegitimate Asian child?

Fuckin' Dogs Bought This Van - 2008-01-09

Next time she shakes that whip in front of the camera, I swear to god I'm killing myself

Udderdude - 2008-01-10


klingerbgoode - 2008-01-10

give reggie a leather wedgie and make him feel lousy

this is revolution no. 9 for 2008. at d'angelos.

sosage - 2008-01-10

These stars are for knockers. Every other element is un-rateable.

theFlu - 2008-01-10

WHOA! So thats where I've seen her before


ProfessorChaos - 2008-01-10

When i think i've seen it all, The Internet produces things like this. At least I'm never bored. Also: Nice rack.

baleen - 2008-01-10

it's a disgusting rack.

StanleyPain - 2008-01-10

Yeah, but this is America, where tumorous, toilet-bowl-sized, blatantly artificial breasts are considered OMG HOTT.

Atomic Powered Jack-O-Lantern - 2008-01-10

This is Dadaist. Or at least making an attempt at Dada through "performance art". Some dumb undergrad purposely doing their bit to make the world a crazier place.

Also, chick. No adam's apple.

theSnake - 2008-01-11

Hot asian woman, whip, money, football... IM HARD

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