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This explains my missing buttcheek at last year's Tokyo Grand Prix.
fuck you japan! this is going to make global warming so bad once everyone starts chopping their veggies with their cars.
I'm eco-friendly, so I do it with my bicycle. I wear scarves.
I think its time for a new Mad Max movie.
Seriously, imagine two guys having a knife fight with their cars. Is it the best thing you've ever seen? If not, you aren't imagining hard enough.
Fucking seriously. Someone call the Wachowski brothers for a last minute reshoot.
I can imagine a driving game from the 90s if that's what you mean
Anyone else turned on by this?
Good thing he didn't hack that cameraman in half.
I now crave a salad created only by heavy contruction equipment.
I'm just waiting for someone to get the idea of strapping a Katana to the front of an Acura and the ROAD SAMURAI will be born.
now that's how to do it.
It takes this guy all morning to make a sandwich.
They seriously have to make a movie about this driving technique from Japan. I'm sure it'll be awesome. But what to call it?
You should how see the guy makes sushi. His ancestors must feel very honored.
I wonder how many takes they did before they chopped the cucumber in half and not the camera man.
Involuntary vehicular manslaughter.. with a knife!
I hear if the driver misses, he takes the cucumbers place
for honors sake
that's pretty neat but I also want to know how many takes it took
In proper anime tradition, the cucumber should have split only after 5 minutes of alternating still shots between both combatants.
That's a five star comment.
Yeah, but then we would have had to listen to the cucumber's final thoughts, and that's just morbid.
Hee hee hee! Oh Japan...
if i had a dollar for every time i saw "Oh japan" on this site. it amazes me how screwed that country is.
in the future, all wars will be fought this way