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Desc:Mostly because I remember people lauding the Ys 3 soundtrack.
Category:Video Games, Trailers
Tags:remake, Wanderers from Ys, arguably the best video game soundtrack ever
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Comment count is 5
Caminante Nocturno - 2007-12-07

Wow, look at all of that stuff at the end. 4 stars for the music and anime, 5 stars for all of that stuff.

FABIO2 - 2007-12-07

2 stars for being another videogame anime musical montage, +1 for the music not being j-pop.

Monchiles Monchiles - 2007-12-07

This doesn't do much for me. An extra star because the animation is pretty smooth I guess.

takewithfood - 2007-12-07

Admittedly, half of these stars are for sentimentality: Wanderers from Ys for the Sega Genesis was one of the first games I ever owned (the Nintendo version sucked!). I picked it up at this crazy bargain bin sale for about when I was pretty wee, and I remember loving the music. I would sometimes load the game at certain stages and navigate Adol to a safe spot where he could sit unharmed while I listened to the soundtrack. Good times.

Flux - 2008-12-03

These stars are all for the original Ys III soundtrack.

btw takewith there was a sound test cheat.

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