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When you die and go to Heaven, this is what God will look and sound like.
THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM CONTAINS: [V] Violence [AC] Adult Content [AL] Adult Language
so many memories of watching home-taped movies with my folks as a kid...sniff
A Monolith of awesomeness
In a perfect world, this would come before the Sopranos.
Gentlemen, the moment we've feared has arrived. The Logo is here, and nothing can stop it.
Finally. I've been looking for this forever.
my childhood just orgasm'd
To a 10 year old in 1982.. this was the coolest thing in history. I dreamt about this damn thing.
This opening, along with Solid Gold, is how I remember the 80's
I want to sincerely thank you.
That's no moon!
This is the song to which my generation will march on Washington. Sadly.
my family was too poor to have hbo (or even color tv for that matter)