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Comment count is 32
SolRo - 2007-12-01

the soundtrack makes this

Jeriko-1 - 2009-02-14

Yeah, music reminds me of a scene from a movie where characters in some manner of a resistance movement all die in slow motion.

Udderdude - 2007-12-02

owned imo.

jangbones - 2007-12-02

See, good execution can make something out of the most worthless concepts.

Gill_Sans - 2007-12-02

I'm five starring this on the condition that your pun was intentional.

baleen - 2007-12-02

If I'm not mistaken that music is from a Todd Solondz movie. Storytelling I think.

bang to buck ratio - 2007-12-02

I thought Palindromes but I could be wrong. I don't think I've seen Storytelling but I have definitely heard this music.

baleen - 2007-12-02

Yes Palindromes is what I meant. The abortion one.

Scynne - 2007-12-02

Now I want sugary goodies.

BHWW - 2007-12-02

To think I was content with biting or snapping their heads off.

dead_cat - 2007-12-02

The blowdryer death was surprisingly amusing, I never thought I'd be laughing at the "flesh" peeling back from something's face.

Innocent Bystander - 2007-12-02

I can actually imagine the bunny going "HYAAARGH MY FAACEEE OHH IT BURNNSSAAAAGH!" in that one.

Pie Boy - 2008-01-05

I actually thought the second one was a blowdryer, and when it wasn't I was sad, so when the third one came around I was super-happy.

robotkarateman - 2008-09-06

Shut your eyes, Marion! And don't look at it, no matter what happens!

Cube - 2007-12-02

Yes sir, I liked it.

bopeton - 2007-12-02

I saw how long it is and didn't think I was going to like it.

But I did.

mouser - 2007-12-02

Liked how the blow-dryer made waves on the bunny's face, as if it's skin was peeling away. Nice effect for an orbit bunny's re-entry in the atmosphere.

Camonk - 2007-12-02

This is all those terrible hollow bunnies could possibly be good for.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-12-03

They keep smiling despite everything, despite the last one, who was clearly screaming in his last moments.

ihounokyaku - 2007-12-03

I'm not going to sleep ever again.

Pie Boy - 2008-01-05

I regret none of the 2:29 I just spent.

poples - 2008-01-08

Brilliant! Now I'll have to get some chocolate bunnies for animal testing purposes.

abnernitwit - 2008-01-10

remember the three types of heat transfer kids.

Jeriko-1 - 2008-01-17

I believe that is actually a paint stripper gun.

Vicious - 2008-02-02

Delicious MURDER.

Chip - 2008-03-07

Oh man. On the last one eye sockets seem to appear, followed by a screaming mouth. So awesome.

oogaBooga - 2008-07-16

alternate possible background music: suzanne vega "my favorite plum"

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-01-15

My god. This is wonderful.

tamago - 2009-09-19

Once again, my expectations have been shattered. That last one was just awesome and has earned these stars.

joelkazoo - 2009-10-09

What the Internet was created for!

McGillistabby - 2010-02-11

The decor matching hands really made it for me.

ogmisce - 2010-08-12

this made me SAD and ANGRY >:-----[

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