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Comment count is 6
bakune young - 2007-11-04

OH HELL YEAH SMELL THOSE SOCKS hey wait is that morgan freeman what the fuck i cant jerk off to his velvet voice.

Beyonce Knowles - 2007-11-04

For some reason it's really disconcerting that it's a woman.
I guess I always imagined women's fetishes being just leather and lace, sugar and spice.

revdrew - 2007-11-04

You don't think her husband totally put her up to this?

I'm convinced that women don't have fetishes, at least in the same way men do.

EvilHomer - 2007-11-04

It's not just smelling socks, it's smelling socks WITH SMOKE! Sexy cancer tag?

Should SFW Fetish Week even be a week? There's enough material and enough evil for a full SFW Fetish Month, at least.

mouser - 2007-11-04

Perhaps but it got boring on the second day. And I skipped the first.

EvilHomer - 2007-11-04

Hits too close to home?

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