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Desc:Stripper is frozen, thawed in the future, fights robots. This actually ran for an entire season.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Humor
Tags:Intro, theme, cleopatra 2525, horrible television, brainstorming session
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Comment count is 24
K Clobber - 2007-10-09

Wow. I remember watching this once or twice ca. 2000 AD. I didn't catch that it was so gay at all.

I caught perfectly well how stupid it was.

doc duodenum - 2007-10-09

Starring sexy Gina Torres. Why is she the female Ted McGinley?

dead_cat - 2007-10-09

IMDB says it was actually two seasons. Think about THAT for a moment.


Xenocide - 2007-10-09

I'm so glad they decided to write a theme song. And give the black chick SPIDER-MAN POWERS.

GravidWithHate - 2007-10-09

I'm convinced that the entire series came out of somone getting *very* high and listening to this Zager and Evans song. http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=17151

Dan Druff - 2007-10-09

It has tits, explosions, and thinly veiled S+M themes.

How could it NOT go for at least 2 seasons?

Plus they paired it off with Bruce Campbell fighting the french.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-10-09

Your local affiliate on a Saturday after 12 noon and the cartoons were over. Alternatively, the Scifi channel at 3 AM inbetween bad original movies.

Honestly, I never saw past the opening, because I knew it could only go downhill after it.

boba. - 2007-10-10

i just got flashbacks to the golden age of syndicated action with xena, nightman, that show where the guy commanded animals, etc.

K Clobber - 2007-10-10

You remembered fucking nightman's name, but not Beastmaster's?


K Clobber - 2007-10-10

But I agree with the sentiment. It's unexpectedly nice to be nostalgic for seven years ago.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-10-10

Vaguely along those lines, does anybody else remember M.A.N.T.I.S?

enki don't - 2007-10-10

Nightman had the single stupidest/best line in the intro -
Patrick Mcnee saying:
"Your mind is like a radio, tuned to the frequency of EVIL"

Gina is damn fine, but Victoria Pratt, holy crap.

K Clobber - 2007-10-10

Fuck yes, I remember M.A.N.T.I.S. I actually never made it through a full episode.

But wasn't it a FOX original?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-10-10

This was part of the ACTION PACK, wasn't it? Right up there with Vanishing Son and a dozen other forgettable series.

K Clobber - 2007-10-10

No. But that's how Hercules started, ca. 1994. The dawn of the Golden Age.

zatojones - 2007-10-10

A ridiculous show with a ridiculously hot lead

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2007-10-10

Oh god, I remembered the theme song! Way to make myself hate myself.

Hooper_X - 2007-10-10

those... those weren't the ACTUAL lyrics, right? that was like, a joke, wasn't it?

oh my godddd.

athodyd - 2007-10-10

Having watched a full episode of this I can only say that this is what television was invented for.

minimalist - 2007-10-10

Why does this not have a '2525' tag, to match the Zager & Evans clip:


garcet71283 - 2007-10-11

Sam Raimi was one of the producers for this show....

Explains the Spider-chicks

FABIO2 - 2007-11-06

It's like the makers of Captain Power were trying to come up with a new show idea after all their fans had grown up.

"...how about we just add tits?"


garcet71283 - 2008-07-28

No...he just went on to make Babylon 5.

Bort - 2009-02-22

Did they ever meet Professor Bobo?

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