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Missing the "Brian Eno" and "Eno practically wrote this whole album" tags.
I completely forgot about this video.. So out of step from their usual stuff.
plus five stars for bono not singing.
About twenty minutes after this was shown, U2 went right into the shitter with "Pop"
I might have given this four, but then I remembered this guy's name is "the edge".
Now I have to track down a clip of Beavis & Butthead making fun of this video. There goes my afternoon. Fuck.
Well, the 90s didn't make U2 suck. They always did that.
It's better then their newer stuff, in which Bono presents himself as some kind of bigass Irish paradoxical secular deity
Neat video for a mediocre song.
I'll say it again: U2 is like the Clash minus 90% of the talent, but plus a shitpile of money. They bitch about Africa like the Clash, but they do it from their mansions in Provence
How dare somebody who cares about the poor not be poor himself!!!
Bravely rated and reviewed, ryanowens.