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Bjork's a grunty girl.
Grunty and grimacey
90's videos already on PoeTV: Blind Melon - No Rain: Daft Punk - Around the World: Rollins Band - Liar: White Zombie - Thunderkiss '65:
I was so happy when she went solo. I loved her voice, and didn't like the goofy guy from the Sugarcubes.
Goofy guy from Sugarcubes moved to Madison, WI and I saw him open several times for other better bands. He was horrible.
Agreed. He was/is a doucher, and it was sooo obvious who the talent in the band was.
Didn't two or three of The Sugarcubes stick with her as her band though? i know they were eager to ditch the gesticulating madman though. A billion, million stars by the way. bjork is quite the milf.
Awesome singer, great song, but she is totally not my type. I don't really like her style (not singing style).
This girl would go on to sell 10 million albums. I'd have never guessed.
Good album.
still doesn't stand up after all these years
Maybe you're just not a fan of Bjork?