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Comment count is 27
Xenocide - 2007-08-20

Lisa pop up a spray brush.

(pencil falls)


Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2007-08-20

+20 stars for Lisa pop up a spray brush

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-08-20

Now I cannot hear it any other way.

Beyonce Knowles - 2007-08-23


Herr Matthias - 2007-08-20

I think French Canadian Marge is trying to seduce me.

Knuckles - 2007-08-20

What's with Carl's voice?

Herr Matthias - 2007-08-20

Apparently, in translation to foreign languages, Carl always seems to speak the local equivalent of Ebonics, even though his English-language accent is pretty neutral.

Jeff Fries - 2007-08-20

*Yoink* is an international expression

Pike - 2007-08-20

you people are little better than animals

Aelric - 2007-08-20

your a dirty Quebecian, ain't ya?

zatojones - 2007-08-20

Impossible. To date no Qu�b�cois has ever managed to figure out how to use a computer

Smellvin - 2007-08-20

They could if they wanted to, zatojones... they're just le tired.

Dr. Lobotomy - 2007-08-20

Encore des cas blatant de racisme envers des Qu�b�cois. Pour quelle raisons est-ce que c'est tol�r�? C'a va compl�tement � l'encontre des termes tous les membres de ces sites accepte lors de l'enregistrement! C'est inacceptable et des actions d�finitives devrait �tre prise par la ou les personnes en charge de ce site internet.

L'Honorable Docteur Lobotomie, Ministre Qu�becois des Affaires Ridicules dans le Cyber-Espace.

Aelric - 2007-08-20

a translation for us god-faring english speakers:

Still blatant cases of racism towards Inhabitants of Quebec. For which reasons it is tolerated? It A goes completely against the terms all the members of these sites accepts at the time of the recording! It is unacceptable and of the final actions should be taken by the people in load of this Internet site. Sincerely. Honourable Doctor Lobotomie, Quebec Minister for the Ridiculous Businesses in the Cyberspace.

sigh, satire is either fully understood, or not at all.

RandomFerret - 2008-07-10

Man, you're just lazy. We make fun of half-assed machine translation on this site all the time, but you couldn't be bothered to rewrite the word 'lobotomy?'

Gill_Sans - 2007-08-20

The most noble quest ever undertaken by man, this shall be the clip that unites the world.

Xiphias - 2007-08-20

there is something wrong with me for being so delighted by this whole endeavor

Mayberry Pancakes - 2007-08-20

Do all French Canadians talk this way? I can barely make out individual words. And yeah, that's the most subtle, seductive nagging ever.

boner - 2007-08-20

I learned french in Canada, but they never really taught us about the way people actually speak in QC. Today I saw "j'aime" written as "j'm".

Afgh - 2007-08-20

I thought that was just common French internet shorthand. I've also seen simply "c" instead of "c'est."

boner - 2007-08-20

It was actually part of a McDonald's slogan. Guess they are trying to appeal to the damn kids

simon666 - 2007-08-20

the french cannot stand how 'queebs' speak. think of it as the dirty drawl of the american south of the french language...

SharoKham - 2007-08-20

As someone who's only taken several years of French, I despite Quebecophonics and all it stands for. I can only imagine what someone who lives with the language must think. I can't think of a dialect in English that's as grating. Gullah can be pretty confusing, but Gullahphones don't get all up in your face about how fucking great they are for speaking it.

Hooker - 2007-08-20

I will five star every one of these forever.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-08-20

Play every translation of this scene at once. It is what God sounds like.

Mike Tyson?! - 2007-08-21


KnowFuture - 2007-08-27


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