ashtar. - 2024-10-06
A really good argument for communism is to take a good look at anti-communists.
casualcollapse - 2024-10-06 What a perfect non-statement, all power structures attract the worst of the worst whether it be communism or anti-communism l,your statement makes no sense in greater context
teethsalad - 2024-10-06 i mean at this point it's mostly a xi jingping personality cult for the ethnic han chinese with little genuine interest in communism but go off comrade, great leap forward is just another shitpost away
ashtar. - 2024-10-07 Ayn Rand, Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet, the Kuomintang, Franco Joe McCarthy, Falun Gong, Sun Myung Moon, Donald Trump, South Africa and their decades long fight against SWAPO and the MPLA, Suharto, too many things to list in South and Central America, etc.
Yeah, nothing in common. No generalizations to be made there. Just some guys.
The TV told me to be mad at CHINA. GRRR CHINA. If they're doing a totalitarianism they're communists, if their economy and standard of living is the greatest economic success story in history they're Not Real Communists. CHINA (Trump voice)
teethsalad - 2024-10-07 "The TV told me to be mad at CHINA. GRRR CHINA. If they're doing a totalitarianism they're communists, if their economy and standard of living is the greatest economic success story in history they're Not Real Communists. CHINA (Trump voice)"
no dude, they're just not communist and you're a useful reactionary who has built their entire personality on being the opposition & not one of "THOSE" americans, not that complicated
casualcollapse - 2024-10-07 You clearly have a Boner for power structure either way and that makes total sense since I believe you mentioned that you are a cop
Crackersmack - 2024-10-07 So is it bad that China is not communist? or are they not communist because they are wildly successful when compared to America, and that can only be because of capitalism?
Chinese citizens have a right to housing! What a wild concept! The people and the government of China would consider 650k homeless people (America's number) to be something that is deeply shameful. In America both major party POTUS candidates consider this to be a desirable outcome and a sign of a healthy economy. -housing-policy-2024-06-04/
If we could post pictures this is where I would put the chart of electricity usage per capita by year. Or the chart of miles of high speed rail that have been built since 2000. Or the chart of Chinese home ownership increases by year. The government incentivizes home ownership over rentals! Because the wellbeing of the average Chinese citizen is more important than the profits of landlords. Another totally wild, alien concept for Americans. No wonder you are propagandized to hate them so much. The Chinese people are living what I was always told was the "American Dream" while the money that should be used to house our people is sent to literal nazis in Ukraine and zionists in Israel.
teethsalad - 2024-10-07 man, china is a demographic time bomb, they juiced the housing market and are desperately trying to keep that house of cards from collapsing, their entire competitive advantage is being eaten alive by lower tier economies who can undercut them and their rising cost of labor, and the cult of xi is strangling any new potential talent who could rise up and solve these problems in the crib, the hukou system prevents internal migration and movement to a ridiculous degree, with zero genuine freedom of expression, but yeah, fuckin' china, woo hoo okay dude whatever
BUT THEY GOT A FANCY TRAIN!!!!!! great! grand! wonderful! hope somebody got a trophy
ashtar. - 2024-10-07
teethsalad - 2024-10-08 man looks like i hit a nerve with you chinaboos
just because they slap a hammer and sickle on a flag doesn't make em' communist guys, i know the branding gives you a hard-on but c'mon
Crackersmack - 2024-10-08 nobody cares if you think they are "communist" or whatever bro. they don't even claim to be a communist country, they are "socialist with Chinese characteristics", but whatever they actually are does not matter because they are eating our lunch. "crumbling concrete and toil and exploitation" describes most of America too (and we don't even get to live indoors if we can't work) but cables news tells you that the economy is great so you tell yourself that the economy is great
prang - 2024-10-08 Don't mix my words in with these guys, I ain't saying that it's any nicer at home, wherever you are. Not everyone who is skeptical of the CCP is a rah rah capitalist. I'm just sayin', they ain't that great either.
HarrietTubmanPI - 2024-10-08 No it isn't.
How come the only arguments communism can come up with is "well everything else is bad" but they can't ever come up with reasons why communism is good. The whole thing got started by Marx and Engels by pointing out flaws in capitalism, but not exactly showing why communism is good, or why communism is the only solution to capitalism.
False dichotomy anyone?
Ashtar, extremism is bad. Fascism is extremism. Unregulated capitalism is pretty extreme too so it is also bad.
Communism also doesn't work and hasn't worked, and in every implementation of it it has been 100% authoritarian where you aren't allowed to question the government at all and that's a huge red flag and is pretty extreme. Oh wait that isn't communism?
Well I'd hate to tell you that resources are finite. I am almost sure you are in the west. If you want resources to be divided up equally, and you are in the west (if ANYONE is in the west and they support communism) then your QoL is going to dramatically go down. Good luck having a choice of affordable housing let alone choice of housing. Good luck being able to have such a selection of restaurants and organic foods. Good luck having so many cars and products to choose from with your own money that you earned on your own time. Good luck having your own private property because that doesn't exist anymore.
Let me say that again. Resources are finite. Everyone in the west on average is using WAY MORE than is available in terms of resources, and for everyone on this planet to live equally we'd have to live like people do in India. Meaning, on average, we would all be in poverty and we would all be starving.
Then if you force everything to be given out equally and resources are still scarce and finite, you will STILL have people at the top who will hog it all and you will still have oligarchs so things will never really be equal anyway.
Do you know why?
Because human greed is a fundamental aspect of human nature that you are not going to get rid of, and communism pretends it doesn't exist. That is why it is completely detached from reality.
HarrietTubmanPI - 2024-10-08 Oh and under communism you would have to force things to be given out equally somehow because people aren't going to do it themselves, and the only way that can happen on a large scale is through 100% authoritarianism and 100% state control. If you can't see why that is bad then you're beyond help.
prang - 2024-10-09 HarrietTubmanPI on the nose. You can't really get communism working without basically disregarding the real concerns of messy people. Like, I've tried to unionize my workplace and you can't create a union if you're in the minority of people who want to do so, which was the case. It's hard to unionize a workplace that's got such a high ratio of international students. They have no incentive to stick their necks out, and I sympathize with that. Trying to turn a whole country communist by being nice and listening to peoples' concerns is only going to result in the failure of your revolution. You can't succeed without a certain amount of violence, and that seems at odds with the sort of "caring for the average person" society that communism allegedly wants. It's hard to believe that the CCP cares about the average person within Chinese borders when we see how they treat people in Tibet, in Taiwan, in Hong Kong, the Uyghers, outspoken artists and university students etc. It's okay to say that sucks because it does.
There are a million different ways to improve the lives of the people around you based on their needs and trying to force one system on everyone is going to be inherently violent and unstable, whether that's the laissez-faire late capitalist hellscape we live in here or any all-encompassing philosophy they have in any other country. Everyone's laughing that the government is crushing your enemies until they start coming for your friends. The Leopards Eating Your Face Party isn't a partisan joke.
ashtar. - 2024-10-11 You guys seem to be operating on a cartoonish notion of what communism is.
"Because human greed is a fundamental aspect of human nature that you are not going to get rid of, and communism pretends it doesn't exist. That is why it is completely detached from reality."
If you are a worker, you will be better off economically under the "workers own everything" system. It is entirely about the the working class, the vast majority of people, doing what is in their own self interest.
TheSupafly - 2024-10-07
I was the front of house manager at a theatre that played this every year and it was absolutely bizarre. The only act that would take up the lobbies and practice all morning instead of the backstage. Then something like an hour long prayer in the common space before a show, I have video of it somewhere.
They were insufferable- no photography of the show (meaning it couldn’t play over lobby tvs), no leaving until doors open, no advertising that we sell alcohol (they couldn’t negotiate us out of actually selling it), and so many last minute requests. We had a really hard time making any money despite all their ads everywhere for months ahead of time. I didn’t know they were a cult, but I hated them from a business perspective. I think the city was making us do it.
ashtar. - 2024-10-07 I saw this in Seattle, it was boring as shit. Hours of spin-y dancing with long sleeves. Honestly, the "evolution is the evil invention of communist gangs to convince you there's no space God" was the most entertaining part.
prang - 2024-10-07
I was like "oh weird dance show ok" for a long time until my friends went to see it and told me about the organ harvesting scene.
Honestly the CCP vs. Falun Gong is such a heel/heel fight. They both have these utopian ideals but one is made of crumbling concrete and toil and exploitation and suffering and the other is made of cheap silk scarves and toil and exploitation and suffering. It would be funny to watch them have at each other, but they draw so many innocent people into their orbit.
Nominal - 2024-10-08
They were trying to hang up flyers all over our university. I told our student workers to take them down if they saw them.
They protested until I showed them the Falun Dong logo.
Nominal - 2024-10-09
Bonus points if you ever see ads or headlines for The Epoch Times, the Falun Dong's FOX News style paper. It's amusing in how very hard they try to disguise it as some progressive humanitarian work.
casualcollapse - 2024-10-11 I would share videos from the epoch times here until I knew better
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